Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Sports Eye Safety

Although playing sports can be a fun way to stay active, it’s crucial to remember the importance of protecting your eyes. Each year, thousands of athletes suffer from sports-related eye injuries, some of which can cause permanent vision issues. Our resident optometrist at Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry talks about sports eye safety, from its importance to tips to best shield your precious eyes from harm.

Sports With the Highest Risk of Eye Injuries

Certain sports pose a higher risk of eye injuries due to the nature of the game and the equipment used. Some popular sports with the highest risk of eye injuries include:

Types of Sports-Related Eye Injuries

Professional eye care experts know how sports-related eye injuries can range in severity. Some of the most common include the following:

Prevention of Sports-Related Eye Injuries

Protecting your eyes during sports is crucial; wearing proper protective eyewear is the key way to do so. Consider the following options:

What to Do if You Suffered a Sports-Related Eye Injury

If you suffer an eye injury while playing sports, take the following immediate steps:

Sports eye safety and preventative measures can help you enjoy your favorite activities without risking your vision. Call Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry today if you suffer a sports-related eye injury or want to explore LASIK eye surgery.

You can reach us at (703) 660-9494 (Alexandria, VA), (703) 413-1400 (Crystal City), (703) 522-7676 (Clarendon), (703) 573-1200 (Falls Church), or (703) 467-9080 (Reston). You can also book a consultation with one of our optometrists for an appointment.