What You Need to Know About Contact Lens Discomfort

One proven way to deal with vision problems is with contact lenses. They are typically safe and easy to use from the very beginning, but there may be cases when they’re uncomfortable to wear. 

Why Does Contact Lens Discomfort Occur?

Clear and healthy eyesight makes daily living easier and more enjoyable. Those with a vision problem can mitigate them with contact lenses prescribed by their local optometrist. But users will need to observe proper care and hygiene. This ensures that your contact lenses are safe and comfortable to wear. Otherwise, you might experience discomfort such as: 

  1. Stinging, burning or itching of the eyes
  2. Redness and excessive watering of the eyes
  3. Reduced sharpness in vision
  4. Photophobia or sensitivity to light exposure
  5. Dryness of the eyes
  6. Odd secretions from the eyes
  7. The feeling like there’s something lodged in the eye
  8. Pain when inserting the contact lenses in the eyes
  9. Vision blurriness

These symptoms may be caused by improper lens care, or, perhaps, the lenses are a poor fit. Users with dry eye syndrome are also more likely to experience contact lens discomfort. 

What You Can Do About Contact Lens Discomfort

Should you experience any of the symptoms above, remove the contacts immediately. Check closely if there are hair, dirt or other foreign bodies on it. If there are, clean, rinse, and disinfect the lenses thoroughly. Any damage to the lenses, however, should prompt a call to a premier eye doctor like Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry. We’ll perform a comprehensive eye exam and determine if this discomfort is an indication of a more serious issue.

Make sure to schedule an appointment with your optometrist if your eyes don’t look or feel good, or you can’t see well. Sometimes, a slight irritation in contact lens use can develop into a more serious problem when left untreated. To prevent threats to clear vision, it’s crucial that any issue is caught and dealt with promptly. 

Just turn to Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry for high-quality eye care services, including low vision therapy. With our expertise, advanced techniques and personalized service, we’ll make sure you can enjoy a lifetime of healthy vision. We serve the areas in and around Reston and Alexandria, VA. Call us at (703) 660-9494, or fill out this form to schedule your appointment.