What to Expect During an Eye Exam

Eye exams are important tools for keeping your eyes in good health. Having one regularly helps in the early detection of eye conditions, creating opportunities for their immediate treatment. The sooner we manage them, the better the chances you have for keeping your eyes healthy and maintaining sharp vision.

Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry, your local provider of sports vision training and other eye care services, discusses what usually happens during an eye exam.

Patient Interview

Before anything else, we may ask about eye conditions, injuries or surgeries you’ve had that may affect your current visual health. We’ll ascertain your family history, including what vision problems run in your family as heredity is a major risk factor for most eye illnesses. This can help us determine your risk of developing certain visual irregularities, serving as our guide when creating your eye care plan.

Performing Various Eye Tests

Afterward, we’ll have you undergo a series of eye tests. Your eye doctor may start with a visual acuity test to measure how sharp your eyes are. We’ll ask you to cover one of your eyes while standing 20 feet away from the Snellen chart. You’ll then have to read out loud the letters at which we point. We’ll have you perform the same steps while you cover the other eye.

A cover test can help check your eyes’ alignment. As you stare at an object across the room, we’ll instruct you to cover your eyes one at a time. We’ll then have you perform the same steps as you’re looking at something near you. A stereopsis evaluates your depth perception. Here, we’ll have you wear a pair of 3D glasses and look through a booklet of test patterns. We’ll instruct you to point out which among the patterns seem closest to you. These are only some of the most common tests we perform during an eye exam.

Explaining the Test Results and Our Recommendations

Once all tests are done, we’ll explain the findings and our recommendations. Results showing signs of refractive errors, for example, may require you to use eyeglasses or contact lenses. We may also create a cataracts treatment plan if you have a family member who has this condition. Lastly, we’ll inform you when to return for your next eye exam.

Start taking care of your eyes and schedule an eye exam today. Call us at (703) 573-1200. We serve Falls Church and the surrounding Northern Virginia communities.