What Jobs Can Put Your Eyes at Risk?

Certain occupations expose the eyes to various hazards every day. It’s important to understand the risks and take appropriate steps to protect your eyes, whether you’re working in the field or in an office. In this post, we discuss the jobs that can expose you to threats to your eye health.

Occupations With Eye Safety Hazards

Workplace eye safety is critical in several industries. Employees in these areas are often exposed to high-risk situations that could lead to serious eye injuries.

Workers often deal with flying particles, debris, or chemicals, which could cause eye injuries. Furthermore, intense or poorly managed lighting can also create risks.

The work environment for these industries usually involves machinery, welding activities and the handling of hazardous substances. These can increase the risk of eye injuries from flying fragments or chemical spills.

Healthcare professionals have their eyes exposed to infectious diseases, chemical substances and sharp implements. In addition, the use of some medical equipment can potentially harm the eye if no precautions are taken.

Workers are at risk due to dust, pesticides, animal-related injuries and sunlight exposure.

Mining environments can expose workers to numerous risks, including dust, chemical gases, extreme light conditions and flying debris from explosions.

Industries Known for Causing Eye Strain

Extensive usage of computers or detailed near-focus tasks can cause eye strain, also called computer vision syndrome. This problem is widespread in professions where employees spend long periods focusing on computer screens or small details.

Professionals in this line of work spend long hours coding or working on computer systems, which can cause significant eye strain.

These professions often require extensive reading of data, numbers or small text on paper or a digital screen, which could lead to eye strain.

Continuous, up-close work on designs, particularly on digital platforms, can strain the eyes.

Extensive reading, writing and computer work in these professions can cause frequent visual strain.

The prolonged reading, writing, and proofreading periods, often on digital screens, can cause visual discomfort and eye strain.

The Role of an Eye Doctor

The first line of defense in safeguarding your eyes is regular eye exams. An eye doctor is essential in detecting and addressing potential issues early. Regular visits allow for earlier treatment, preventing more severe problems later on. Whether you notice a change in your vision or not, you should see an eye doctor regularly.

Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry is here to help protect your vision. We also offer sports vision training and cataract treatment. Call us at (703) 660-9494 (Alexandria), (703) 413-1400 (Crystal City), (703) 522-7676 (Clarendon), (703) 573-1200 (Falls Church) or (703) 467-9080 (Reston). You can also complete our online form to schedule an appointment.