What Are the Risks of Wearing an Incorrect Eye Prescription?

You must visit your eye doctor regularly to ensure your eyeglasses or contact lenses are up-to-date. With the wrong prescription, your vision can become blurry. Outdated lenses can also compromise your comfort. Here are more things that can happen if you wear an incorrect eye prescription. 

Effects of Wearing the Wrong Prescription

Constant Headaches

Frequent headaches can indicate that you need to update your glasses and contacts. One way to determine if your prescription has changed is to take off your glasses at certain times of the day. If your headaches improve while not wearing your glasses, it might be time to replace them. 

Blurred Vision

Even the slightest inconsistency in your prescription can result in blurred vision. However, it can also occur if you recently got new glasses and your eyes are still adjusting. You likely have the incorrect prescription if your vision remains blurred after two weeks. If this is the case, schedule an appointment with your optometrist


Another consequence of wearing the wrong prescription eyewear is dizziness. Some people also experience eye strain and nausea. Moreover, let your eye doctor know about your health history or existing medical conditions because it’s possible your glasses or contacts are not what’s causing them. 

How Do You Ensure You Have the Right Eye Prescription? 

You usually need to update your prescription eyeglasses every one to two years. Meanwhile, replace contact lenses once they expire. For instance, daily disposable contacts should be discarded after use, while you must discard monthly lenses after 30 days. Remember that only your eye doctor will know if your vision has changed. It’s why you should see them regularly. 

Seeing your eye doctor regularly for a comprehensive eye exam will allow you to keep track of changes in your vision. It is also crucial in the early detection and treatment of serious eye problems. Leave your eye care needs to Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry. Call us at (703) 413-1400 (Crystal City) or (703) 522-7676 (Clarendon). You can also complete our contact form to request an appointment. We assist patients around Arlington and the surrounding areas.