What Are Eye Floaters and Flashes?

Have you ever noticed specks or cobwebs drifting across your field of vision? Or have you experienced sudden, brief light flashes in your peripheral vision? These could be eye floaters or flashes, which are common visual disturbances that many people encounter at some point.

In this blog post, we explore these visual phenomena and discuss what causes them and whether you should be concerned about them.

What Are Eye Floaters?

Eye floaters are small, dark, shadowy shapes that appear as dots, squiggly lines or cobwebs in your field of vision. They are tiny clumps of gel or cells floating in the vitreous humor—the clear, jelly-like substance that fills the inside of your eye. As these floaters drift through your vision, they cast a shadow on the retina, causing you to see the shapes.

Several factors can cause floaters to form, with age-related changes being the most common. As we age, the vitreous starts to shrink and become more liquid, allowing debris and clumps to float more freely. Inflammation or bleeding in the eye can also lead to the formation of floaters. A torn retina might be the culprit in some cases, requiring immediate attention.

What Are Eye Flashes?

Eye flashes are brief, sudden bursts of light that often appear in the peripheral vision. Unlike floaters, flashes are caused by stimulating the retina’s photoreceptor cells, the cells responsible for detecting light.

Retinal detachment, which occurs when the retina pulls away from the underlying layer of blood vessels, is a primary cause of eye flashes. Migraines and ocular migraines can also be responsible for these light flashes, although they typically resolve on their own after some time.

Are Eye Floaters and Flashes Serious?

While bothersome, eye floaters and flashes are harmless and do not require treatment. However, it’s important to consult an optometrist if you experience a sudden increase in floaters or flashes, persistent visual disturbances, or vision loss. These may indicate more severe complications, such as retinal detachment or a retinal tear, requiring prompt treatment to prevent vision-threatening consequences.

Treatment Options

In most cases, no treatment is necessary for eye floaters and flashes. Individuals can adapt to the presence of floaters and flashes over time. However, treatment options may be explored if they become too disruptive or indicate a more severe issue. A surgical procedure called a vitrectomy can address the significant amount and recurrence of floaters in your vision.

Prevention and Eye Care

Maintaining good eye health prevents floaters, flashes and other visual disturbances. Exercising eye care such as regular eye exams, wearing protective eyewear and following healthy lifestyle choices can all contribute to better eye health.

Monitoring your eye health and being aware of changes in your vision is essential. If you have concerns about eye floaters or flashes or need a comprehensive eye exam, consult an optometrist at Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry. We provide excellent eye care in Alexandria, VA, as well as LASIK eye surgery in Alexandria, VA. To schedule an appointment, you can fill out our online form or call us at the following numbers: