Ways to Safeguard Your Eyes in the Workplace

Maintaining your eye health and comfort is essential while you’re on the job. Some, however, take their eyes for granted. As we observe Workplace Eye Wellness Month this March, Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry, your trusted provider of contact lenses and other eye care services, suggests some ways to safeguard your vision on the job.

Identify Potential Eyesight Hazards in Your Workplace

Whether you’re working at home, in an office or on a construction site, there is always a risk of injuring or overworking your eyes. Those usually in front of a computer, for example, are more likely of having computer vision syndrome. Also known as digital eye strain, this refers to the heavy feeling in your eyes after using your gadgets for a long time.

Carpenters and other industrial workers are at a high risk of sustaining eye injuries when dust, wood debris or cement particles enter their eyes. Scientists and laboratory personnel could have chemicals and other substances splashed in their eyes. Chefs and cooks may have boiling water or oil splattered directly into their eyes. When these happen, head to your optometrist, so we can perform a comprehensive eye exam as soon as possible.

Use Proper Safety Eyewear

Did you know using proper safety eyewear is one of the best ways to protect your eyes? In fact, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health reports that 80% to 90% of all eye injury cases could have been avoided by wearing protective goggles. This is especially important if the nature of your job involves a risk of eye trauma.

Generally, eyewear made of polycarbonate is a good option. This material has excellent impact-resistance properties and durability, keeping your eyes protected at all times. Your optometrist also suggests using computer eyeglasses. They are designed to block blue rays from entering your eyes, reducing your risk of developing digital eye fatigue.

Regularly Visit Your Optometrist

Getting regular eye exams is one of the best things you can do for your eyes. Doing so helps us maintain your eye health, ensuring you have good eyesight while on the job. This also gives us an opportunity to promptly detect and treat underlying vision problems.

For more helpful tips on safeguarding your eyes in the workplace, call us at  one of our locations or fill out our contact form to request an appointment. We provide eye care to families in Alexandria, Crystal City, Clarendon, Falls Church and Reston.