Understanding and Preventing Computer Vision Syndrome

Our computers and mobile devices have become an indispensable part of our everyday lives as we use them for leisure, working or even learning new things about the world. In fact, they have made daily life so much easier since a lot of things can be done with the single click of a button. However, their prolonged use can take a toll on your eyesight.

How Does Computer Vision Syndrome Affect Your Eyes

Computer vision syndrome (CVS), or digital eye strain, refers to a myriad of vision-related problems caused by the prolonged use of computers and mobile devices. While the constant exposure of your eyes to these gadgets remain as the primary cause, other factors like insufficient lighting, bright screens and poor sitting posture also contribute to the progress of CVS.

Keep in mind that the longer you’re in front of a monitor or a phone, the more prone you are to experience symptoms, such as migraines, blurry vision, eyestrain, body pain and dry eyes. Make sure that you visit your optometrist if you experience these symptoms. 

How to Manage Digital Eye Strain

One of the best ways to prevent digital eye strain is to reduce the use of these gadgets altogether. However, this can be difficult since our lives are highly dependent on these gadgets. Thankfully, there are a few measures that you can follow to reduce the strain that you can experience by following these actions:

  1. Reduce the glare. Inspect whether your overhead lighting or lamps are causing glare. If they are, try to use a glare filter to reduce the amount of light being emitted from the screen.

  2. Follow proper posture. When using your desktop or laptop, try to use an ergonomic chair with sufficient back support so you can sit straight with your arms relaxed so that you won’t experience any strain over prolonged periods.

  3. Use eye protection. Try to blink often, or use eye drops to prevent your eyes from drying up when using these devices.

At Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry, we offer a wide range of eye care services, including vision therapy, LASIK eye surgery, contact lenses and more. Call us at (703) 413-1400, or fill out our contact form to schedule your appointment. We serve residents in Arlington, VA, and the surrounding communities.