Tips for Brides and Grooms Who Wear Glasses

Many brides and grooms who wear glasses every day prefer to wear contact lenses on their wedding day. For others, however, especially those whose spectacles are part of their signature style, sporting their eyeglasses on their wedding day is a must. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of the look.

Treat Your Glasses Like a Piece of Jewelry

Just because a lot of people do not necessarily get the appeal of eyeglasses does not mean you should compromise your personal style. On your wedding day, your stylish set of frames can be a statement piece that makes your perfect-vision guests lost for words. In addition to ensuring your glasses snugly fit your face, treating yourself to brand new spectacles that sweetly complement your dress or suit will go a long way.

Ask Your Makeup Artist for Advice

Inform your makeup artist and hair stylist in advance that you will be wearing eyeglasses on your wedding day so they can work out the best look for your style. If you are wearing thin frames, for instance, your makeup artist will apply thin eyeliner to highlight your beautiful eyes. Your eyebrows will also be trimmed and pampered to match the shape of your frames.

Take Care of the Glare

If you are shopping for a new pair of glasses, do not forget to inquire about anti-reflective options. Anti-glare coating is a feature applied on photochromic lenses to eliminate glare while allowing nearly 100% of available light to reach your eyes. This will be extremely beneficial not only for daily use but also for your wedding photos.

Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry provides patients with professional and personalized eye care services, including annual eye exams, frames and lenses, vision therapy and low vision evaluations. Call (703) 660-9494, or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment.