The Importance of Hydration to Eye Health

The value of hydration for overall health is well-known, but its specific impact on eye health is often overlooked. The human body is composed of approximately 60% water, and maintaining proper hydration is crucial for various bodily functions, including those related to the eyes. Let’s learn more about it in this post by Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry.

Dry Eyes and Dehydration

One of the most common issues associated with inadequate hydration is dry eyes. Insufficient water in the body may hinder the eyes’ ability to produce tears, which are essential for lubrication that prevents dryness and ensures clear vision. Chronic dehydration can contribute to persistent dry eye symptoms, including irritation, redness and a gritty sensation.

Impact on Visual Acuity

Hydration also influences the refractive properties of the eye. Dehydration can affect the thickness and shape of the cornea, potentially leading to temporary changes in visual acuity. Individuals may experience blurred vision or difficulty focusing when they are not adequately hydrated.

Preventing Eye Fatigue

Staying hydrated is crucial for preventing eye fatigue, especially in the digital age where screen time is prevalent. Prolonged use of contact lenses and digital devices can increase tear evaporation and eye strain. Proper hydration helps maintain the tear film, reducing the risk of eye fatigue and discomfort associated with extended screen use.

Maintaining Intraocular Pressure

The eyes are filled with a fluid called aqueous humor, which helps maintain intraocular pressure. Proper hydration is essential for regulating the balance of this fluid. In cases of dehydration, there may be an imbalance in intraocular pressure, potentially impacting the optic nerve and increasing the risk of certain eye conditions.

Tips for Maintaining Eye Health through Hydration

Eye care experts recommend the following to improve and lengthen your eyesight through ample hydration:

Don’t forget to get regular eye exams to know if your vision needs correction.

Get Proper Eye Care Now

If you need more guidance or require an eye check-up, the Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry can help. You can conveniently schedule an appointment by reaching us at any of our clinics in Alexandria: (703) 660-9494, Arlington (Crystal City): (703) 413-1400, Arlington (Clarendon): (703) 522-7676, Falls Church: (703) 573-1200, and Reston: (703) 467-9080. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule your consultation.