Teach Your Kids These 4 Eye Health and Safety Habits

Keeping your child’s eyes healthy should be a priority. Vision is necessary for them to develop visual skills. It can also affect how well they perform in school and at play. Teaching children good habits while they are young goes a long way in protecting their vision and eye health. 

A local optometrist recommends teaching your kids these four eye health and safety habits. 

1. Getting Regular Eye Exams

Even if your child’s school conducts vision screenings, they should still get regular comprehensive eye exams. Poor vision can cause a child’s academic performance to suffer. You’ll know if your child needs vision correction through routine eye checks. 

Eye doctors recommend that children have their first eye assessment at six months. It’s to determine if their eyes are developing right. They should get their second eye exam by the time they reach two or three years old. You should then schedule another appointment before they enter school. 

2. Take a Break From Digital Devices

Does your child love to play video games or watch TV? Do they often do schoolwork on their tablet or computer? Extended exposure to screens can cause them to experience symptoms of digital eye strain, such as dry eye, headaches, and neck and shoulder pain. Remind your little ones to give their eyes a break from their smart devices to avoid discomfort. 

3. Importance of Appropriate Safety Eyewear

Thousands of kids are rushed into emergency rooms because of eye injuries yearly. Wearing appropriate protective eyewear could have prevented many of these incidents. If your kids play sports, teach them the importance of keeping their safety gear on.

4. Eating Nourishing Meals

Foods rich in zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins A, C, and E can benefit eye health. Include plenty of leafy greens, colorful vegetables and fruits in your child’s diet. It’s also vital that they drink enough water, especially if they do a lot of physical activities. 

Let Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry handle your little one’s eye care needs. We offer eyeglasses, contact lenses, dry eye treatment and more! Call us at (703) 413-1400 (Crystal City) or (703) 522-7676 (Clarendon). You can also complete our online form to schedule an appointment. We serve patients in Arlington, VA, and nearby areas.