Springtime Eye Care Tips to Keep in Mind

Pleasant weather and plant growth are not the only things you come to expect during spring. It is also a time for allergy flare-ups, which cause symptoms such as congestion, headaches and itchy, swollen eyes. If you are planning to spend some time outdoors, be sure to prioritize your health. Aside from wearing face masks, make sure you take care of your eyes as well. 

Manage Dry Eyes

Dry eye in the spring is usually caused by exposure to specific allergens like pollen, mold, dust and pet dander. It can cause irritation, itchiness, light sensitivity and sensation of something stuck in the eye. Limit your exposure to allergens by staying indoors when there’s a high pollen count. When venturing outdoors, consider wearing wraparound sunglasses to protect your eyes.

Wash Your Eyes

Pollen and other airborne particles can easily cause an allergic reaction, especially when they settle in your eyes. Upon arriving home after spending some time outside, don’t just wash your hands. Wash your face as well, paying particular attention to your eyes. Doing so with cold water helps keep them clean to avoid any allergic reactions or infections this spring.

Use Eye Drops

If you can’t wash your eyes or are managing dry eye symptoms, use over-the-counter eye drops called artificial tears. They help keep your eyes hydrated and moisturized, providing temporary relief from dry eyes and itching. Your optometrist, however, can prescribe lubricating gels and ointments designed for longer lasting relief.

Rest Your Eyes

Getting adequate sleep is not only good for your health. It also helps to rest your eyes, especially when they become overworked due to longer screen times on your smartphone or computer. Make it a habit to do the “20-20-20” rule as well. After spending 20 minutes looking at a screen, look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry offers comprehensive eye care services, including annual eye exams, eyeglasses and contact lenses prescriptions, and pre- and post-operative care for LASIK eye surgery. We are proud to serve communities in and around Alexandria, VA. Give us a call at (703) 660-9494, or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.