Should You Worry About Eye Discharge?

Eye discharge or “sleep in your eyes is a combination of mucus, skin cells, oil and other debris that build up in the corner of your eye during sleep. It actually serves a protective function — removing harmful waste products from the tear film and the front part of your eye. However, excessive eye discharge, particularly if it’s green or yellow in color, can be an indication of a serious eye infection or disease and should be examined by an optometrist.

Thick Green or Gray Mucus

A green or gray mucus discharge from the eye may signal an eye infection caused by bacteria. A common sign of bacterial conjunctivitis is your eye being glued shut upon awakening in the morning. It can also cause symptoms like redness and irritation. It’s important to have a qualified eye doctor evaluate the condition to identify proper treatment.

Yellow Mucus

If there’s yellow-colored mucus with an obvious lump or nodule on your eyelid, it’s possible that it’s caused by a stye. This will cause your eye to feel bruised and become a bit sensitive to the light. If the stye is much more severe, you may develop an internal hordeolum, causing pus to build up in the center of the eye and form a yellowish bump that resembles a pimple. If you see yellow mucus, let your eye exam doctor take a thorough look at your eye.

White or Yellow Balls of Mucus

Dacryocystitis is an infection of the tear sacs in the lower part of the eye that can cause pain, redness and discomfort. You may be suffering from this infection if your eyes are painful, and there is swelling around the nasal area of the eyelid. It can become serious if not treated immediately with antibiotics.

Thick Crusty Mucus

If you see traces of thick and crusty mucus on your eyelids and lashes, you may be experiencing blepharitis, a condition caused by a bacteria found on your skin. Your eyelids may also thicken and form dandruff-like scales and appear red and inflamed. You can treat this by applying warm compresses and gently scrubbing your eyelids with a washcloth.

Watery Mucus

If your watery tears are mixed with a small amount of mucus, your eyes may be infected by a virus. This can cause a variety of symptoms, such as eyelid swelling, redness and blurred vision. It’s best to visit your local optometrist to address your condition appropriately.

Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry is a vision care clinic specializing in top-rated eye care solutions, including contact lenses prescription, myopia control and LASIK eye surgery, in and around Arlington, VA. Our team of professionals is committed to providing the visual comfort and safety that every patient deserves. Call us today at (877) 224-6447, or fill out our contact form to set up an appointment.