Recent Study Links Vision Impairment and Cognitive Decline

A study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that among adults aged 45 and older, subjective cognitive decline (SCD) is 3.5 times higher among those with vision impairment compared to those without.

Here’s the link between vision impairment and cognitive decline.

Vision Impairment and Cognitive Decline

Cognitive decline is expected to happen during the aging process. However, it could also indicate mild cognitive impairment (MCI) if it’s getting worse. MCI may potentially lead to dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

Results of previous research have shown that cognitive decline and vision impairment occur at the same time or might be related. This is the same conclusion that the recent study concluded.

Prevention and Management

Alzheimer’s disease researchers have yet to perfect a way to make early detection and monitoring of preclinical cognitive decline possible. According to one promising research, a significant decline in macular vessel density, macular ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer thickness and perfusion density were seen in subjects with Alzheimer’s disease. That said, going on regular visits to your optometrist may prove to be helpful in detecting cognitive decline as well.

Since such changes can be seen using non-invasive imaging technology that is already being used by eye specialists, they may also be able to mirror minor small vessel cerebrovascular changes in Alzheimer’s disease.

Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry is a reputable eye clinic providing a range of services, including eye exams, vision therapy and LASIK eye surgery among others. We provide personalized service to ensure a comfortable experience for our patients. Call us at (703) 660-9494, or fill out our contact form to request an appointment. We serve clients in Alexandria, VA, and nearby areas.