Quick Eye Makeup Safety Tips

Makeup allows you to enhance your facial features. They can also completely change your appearance. However, you must carefully use them, especially the products you apply to your eyes. Remember, your eyes are among the most delicate parts of your body. When not used correctly, your favorite cosmetics can irritate your eyes or cause an infection.

Here are quick eye makeup safety tips from your local eye doctor

Good Hygiene Is Key

Make sure your hands are clean before applying makeup, and clean your brushes regularly. Even if you’re tired, you should thoroughly remove your makeup and cleanse your face before going to bed. Practicing good hygiene can help minimize your chances of getting an eye infection. 

Avoid Sharing Your Products

Sharing is nice, but not when it comes to makeup. The bacteria and germs in your friend’s cosmetic products can get into your eyes. Experts also discourage using makeup testers in stores because multiple people have likely already used them. 

Dispose of Old Products

If you have cosmetics that are over three months old, it’s best to get rid of them. Bacteria tend to grow in liquid and cream-based eye makeup. If you experience irritation after applying a product, discontinue use. Contact your eye doctor if the discomfort persists. At Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry, we don’t only prescribe eyeglasses. We can also help manage ocular diseases, including conjunctivitis, diabetic retinopathy, cataracts and glaucoma.

Know How to Avoid Eye Injury

Often, people in a rush apply makeup in the car. It might save you time, but doing your makeup in a moving vehicle puts you at high risk for eye injury. If you accidentally apply too much mascara and your lashes get clumped, don’t use a sharp object to separate them because you could poke your eye.  

Let Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry handle your eye care needs. We specialize in low vision therapy, myopia management, dry eye treatment and more. Call us at (703) 467-9080 or complete our online form to schedule an appointment. We look forward to assisting patients in Reston, VA, and nearby areas in Virginia.