Poor Vision: How Can It Affect Learning in Children?

Vision plays a significant role in how a child performs in school. If your little one has been struggling academically, it could be because of an undiagnosed refractive error, like nearsightedness, farsightedness, amblyopia or strabismus. A routine eye exam can detect many of these conditions.

A local eye care provider explains how poor vision can impact learning in children. 

Focusing Difficulties

Children often lose interest in the text written on the board or paper if they can’t see them well. When not treated, vision problems in kids can result in poor reading comprehension. They can make it seem like a child is a slow learner or reader. 

Many times, young children aren’t even aware that they have poor vision. It’s why they should regularly have their eyes checked by an optometrist. During a routine eye exam, specialists can catch signs of eye conditions that can hinder a child’s learning and development.

Lack of Confidence

When a child frequently makes mistakes while reading, they could feel less confident than other kids. As a result, they might think they aren’t as capable or intelligent as others. It could make them hesitant to try new things or participate in class activities. Have you noticed that your kid keeps blinking, rubbing their eyes or complaining of headaches? Schedule a visit with your eye doctor because they are common symptoms of vision problems. 

Poor Eye-Hand Coordination

Physical activities can help children develop their social skills. They also let kids burn off excess energy, which can improve their focus in the classroom. If your child seems uninterested in playing sports or outdoor games, they could have an undiagnosed vision problem. When kids can’t see clearly, their depth perception could be off, affecting their ability to catch and throw balls. 

Don’t let your child’s learning suffer due to poor vision. At Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry, we’re here to assist with your family’s eye care needs. We also provide pre- and post-operative care for LASIK eye surgery patients. Call us at (703) 660-9494 or complete our online form to schedule an appointment. We serve patients in Alexandria, VA, and nearby areas.