Keep Your Vision Clear and Healthy in 4 Easy Steps

Blindness and various forms of visual impairment are becoming more concerning. This is why Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry encourages everyone to make their visual health a priority. As we observe Healthy Vision month this May, your local optometrist shares four effective ways to safeguard your eyesight.

1. Know Your Family History

One of the first things you can do is to learn more about your family history as heredity is a major contributing factor to most vision problems. Ask about eye diseases that have affected any of your relatives. Certain medical conditions like diabetes and hypertension may also lead to retinopathies and other eyesight irregularities.

2. Follow a Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy living is another key to keeping your eyes in shape for many years. Your eye care specialist suggests eating foods that are not only tasty, but also eye-friendly. Some good examples are citrus fruits, leafy greens and deep-water fish. Remember to drink plenty of water daily as well. Exercising regularly ensures proper blood circulation to your eyes, too.

3. Wear Sunglasses

Apart from making a great fashion statement, sunglasses help block the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Wearing a pair while outdoors can significantly lower your risk of developing cataracts, macular degeneration and corneal sunburns. When buying a pair, look for one that has a 100% UV Protection seal for your enhanced protection.

4. Get a Comprehensive Eye Exam

Most importantly, regularly visit your eye doctor for a comprehensive eye exam. Doing so aids in the prompt detection and management of vision problems. If we find signs of refractive errors, for example, we may prescribe eyeglasses or contact lenses to help you see better. Better yet, we may evaluate you to see if you’re a good candidate for LASIK eye surgery.

For more ways to keep your eyes in good health, get in touch with us at (703) 660-9494 for our Alexandria office. You may also complete our contact form to schedule an appointment with any of our locations. We serve families in Alexandria and the surrounding Northern Virginia area.