How Your Vision Changes With Age

As you age, your eyes undergo various changes that can affect your vision. From the development of cataracts to the loss of near vision, it’s essential to understand how your eyes age and what you can do to protect them. 

Continue reading as Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry explores how aging impacts our vision and provides tips for maintaining healthy eyesight.

What Causes Vision Changes in Older People?

Vision is a complex sense that begins to suffer with age due to common eye problems, such as loss of near vision, color perception and visual acuity. As you age, some colors may become duller or less vivid. You may have less sensitivity to subtle shifts in color due to aging issues. For many seniors, reduced sharpness of vision occurs alongside other changes due to natural deterioration within the body. These issues include cataracts or changes in pupil size associated with diabetes or high blood pressure levels.

Prevention of Vision Changes Due to Age

Your eyesight is valuable, so here are a few tips to keep them healthy as you age:

Treatment for Aging Vision

If you already face vision changes due to aging, here are ways to improve your eyesight:

When to See a Doctor

Our vision changes as we age due to various factors. Prioritizing regular eye exams and taking necessary precautions to maintain eye health is essential. With the help of Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry, you can get the proper care and attention to enjoy good vision and healthy eyes as you age. 

To schedule an eye consultation, call us at any of the following numbers: (703) 660-9494 (Alexandria), (703) 413-1400 (Crystal City, Arlington), (703) 522-7676 (Clarendon, Arlington), (703) 573-1200 (Falls Church) and (703) 467-9080 (Reston). You can also fill out our contact form if you have questions.