Everything You Need to Know About Watery Eyes

Tears keep the eyes lubricated, making it easier for you to track objects and flush out foreign objects that get into your eyes. Tears contain salt and water that kills infections and moistens the eyes with every blink. But when your eyes become excessively watery, it could be due to an underlying problem that might affect your comfort throughout the day.

Generally, when the tear glands produce excessive tears, these could overwhelm the tear duct and cause watery eyes. 

What Causes Watery Eyes?

Here are some of the common reasons behind excessive tear production:

When Should You See a Doctor?

As a rule of thumb, you should visit your doctor if you have excessive or prolonged tearing. You should also look out for these other symptoms:

Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry offers eye examinations for patients of all ages. To schedule a consultation, call us at (703) 660-9494 (Alexandria), (703) 413-1400 (Crystal City), (703) 522-7676 (Clarendon), (703) 573-1200 (Falls Church) or (703) 467-9080 (Reston). You can also fill out this contact form.