Effective Remedies for Dry Eyes

Dry eye disease is becoming a major concern among many Americans, especially when there is a change in season. This may cause your eyes to turn red, watery, and itchy, resulting in your compromised eye health and comfort. To help you, your trusted optometrist discusses effective ways to manage this condition.

Home and Natural Remedies

There are simple steps you can take at home to relieve dry eyes. For one, you can submerge a clean washcloth in a basin of warm water, wring out excess water, and place it on your eyes. Leave it there for 30 seconds up to a minute. Massage your eyes afterward to stimulate tear production. The heat and motion help loosen up clogged tear ducts, allowing tears to flow freely.

Contact lenses are usually submerged in their lens solution overnight to maintain their shape for your better visual clarity. Your eyes work the same way. They also need constant hydration to ensure your optimum eye health and comfort. This is why it is important to drink at least eight glasses of water every day. Eating salmon, mackerel, and other cold water fish is another natural way to manage dry eyes. They contain substantial amounts of omega-3 essential fatty acids, which help maintain moisture in your eyes.

We may suggest wearing wrap-around glasses whenever you are going outdoors. They help prevent harsh winds from drying up your eyes. Doing so can also prevent debris entry, which may worsen your eyes’s irritation. Using a filter and humidifier in your home adds moisture to your indoor air as well.

Medical Management

If these natural remedies seem inadequate at managing your dry eyes, your eye care specialist may recommend other treatment methods. We’ll first perform a comprehensive eye exam to assess your tear quality and amount, which may help us determine the condition’s root cause. Artificial tear drops or ointments are common options. Just like your natural tears, they contain oil, mucus, and water to keep your eyes lubricated. For more severe cases, we may recommend inserting punctal plugs to prevent tears from draining rapidly.

For more tips on managing dry eyes, call us at (703) 413-1400. You may also complete our form to request an appointment. We serve Crystal City and nearby VA areas.