Digital Eye Strain: What Causes It and How to Prevent It

Now more than ever, people are spending more time using computers and smart devices. This is mainly due to the prevalence of social media and jobs that require you to use computers. The longer you stare at screens, the higher your risk for digital eye strain. 

Learn more about this eye condition from your local optometrist

What Causes Digital Eye Strain?

Computer vision syndrome or digital eye strain can affect anyone who uses digital devices for extended periods. Your eyes constantly change their focus when you’re working on a computer. They also move all the time as you read and look at your keyboard while typing. At the same time, they are processing the images projected on your screen. In short, your eye muscles exert a lot of effort when using the computer. 

While there is no proof that prolonged computer use can cause permanent damage to your eyes, it can still lead to eye strain and discomfort. Double vision, eye irritation, blurred vision, headaches, dry eyes and neck or back pains are common indications of digital eye strain. If you experience these symptoms, schedule an eye exam. Your eye doctor can give tips to minimize symptoms and recommend eyewear to help reduce discomfort while working. 

How Do You Deal With It?

Take Breaks From Computer Use

Giving your eyes a break from screens can relieve and help avoid symptoms of digital eye strain. Try following the 20-20-20 rule where you look 20 feet away from your computer for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. 

Reduce Glare

Tweaking the lighting in your workspace can eliminate glare on your digital screens. If you are working near a window and seeing glare, move your device, and close the blinds or shades. You may also find it more comfortable to work with a glare filter on your monitor. 

Modify Your Settings

Adjusting your computer’s display settings is another way to prevent digital eye strain. Change your screen’s brightness, contrast and font size to the settings that are most comfortable for you. 

Keep your eyes healthy and vision clear by seeing your eye doctor regularly. At Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry, we offer quality eyeglasses and contact lenses for different vision needs. Call us at (703) 413-1400 (Crystal City) or (703) 522-7676 (Clarendon). You may also fill out our contact form to request an appointment. We help patients in Arlington, VA, and nearby communities.