Contact Lens Tips for People Who Are Always on the Go

Wearing contact lenses while living an active lifestyle may seem challenging, but these tips from Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry will help make it easier for you to manage your needs. Here are some essential tips on how to make your contact lenses fit your on-the-go lifestyle.

Always Be Prepared

Contact lens hygiene should always be a priority, and being prepared is key to maintaining your habits when it comes to contact lens care. Make sure to always carry a travel kit consisting of your contact lens case, solution and gel. You should also have spare contacts or your eyeglasses in case something goes wrong.

Any general-use travel kits can work for this purpose, but it would be better if you have a padded pouch with organizational compartments for better accessibility. Travel kits can’t accommodate bigger contact lens solution bottles, so make sure you have a small container that you can easily bring on trips. 

Use Disposable Contact Lenses

Daily disposable contact lenses are easier to maintain. Since they’re designed to be worn only once, you can simply throw them out at the end of the day. You use a fresh pair of contact lenses each day, so you eliminate lens cleaning from your routine while maintaining proper eye hygiene.

Ensure UV-Protective Contact Lenses

Make sure your contact lenses provide ultraviolet (UV) protection. However, keep in mind that UV-protective contacts aren’t substitutes for protective eyewear, such as sunglasses and UV-absorbing goggles. You should still wear UV-protective eyewear in addition to your UV-protective contact lenses.

Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry can recommend the best contact lenses for your needs and offer personalized advice for your lifestyle. To schedule an appointment, call us at (703) 660-9494 (Alexandria), (703) 413-1400 (Crystal City), (703) 522-7676 (Clarendon), (703) 573-1200 (Falls Church) or (703) 467-9080 (Reston). You can also fill out this contact form.