Common Eye Problems in the Summer Season

Summer brings about many things, one of them being eye problems, which are, fortunately, mostly preventable.

Common Summer Eye Problems

Precautions Against Summer Eye Problems

Wearing sunglasses that provide ultraviolet (UV) protection is a good way to minimize the risks of eye problems. Make sure you’re buying your eyewear from an optical specialist or a reputable vendor as not all sunglasses provide UV protection. Avoid sharing eyewear with anyone to avoid transmitting or contracting conjunctivitis or stye. The same goes for handkerchiefs, towels, pillows, sheets, cosmetics and personal hygiene products. Most importantly, if you feel any of the aforementioned symptoms, avoid self-treatment. Instead, consult an eye specialist.

Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry is your leading provider of eye care services. Give us a call at (703) 660-9494, or fill out our contact form.