Allergy or Infection? How to Identify Eye Conditions

When your eyes are feeling irritated, you may be left wondering whether it’s an eye allergy or an eye infection. Knowing the differences between the two types of eye conditions is essential for proper treatment. In today’s article, we discuss the distinctive features of eye allergies and infections to help you make informed decisions.

Eye Allergies

Eye allergies are typically triggered by a variety of irritants. Some of the most prevalent causes of eye allergies include pollen, dust mites and pet dander. When your eyes are exposed to these allergens, your immune system reacts by releasing histamine. This causes symptoms such as itching, redness, and tearing or watery eyes.

Most eye allergies can be treated with over-the-counter eye drops. Some cases may require more potent prescription medications. It all depends on the severity of the symptoms. In some cases, your optometrist in Arlington, VA, may recommend allergy shots to help reduce your sensitivity to allergens.

Eye Infections

Eye infections, on the other hand, are caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi that have invaded your eye. Common eye infections include conjunctivitis (pink eye), styes and keratitis. These infections can cause symptoms such as pain or discomfort, swelling, and discharge from the eye.

Treatment for eye infections typically involves antibiotic eye drops or ointments. In more severe cases, an oral antibiotic prescription may be necessary. Warm compresses can also help alleviate some of the discomfort caused by eye infections.

How to Differentiate Between an Allergy and Infection

Some symptoms of eye allergies and infections may overlap. However, there are distinct differences to help you determine which condition you might be experiencing. Allergies tend to cause itching and redness. Infections often cause pain and swelling. Regardless of what you are experiencing, it’s crucial to seek professional help for a proper diagnosis. The potential risks of self-diagnosing and self-treating can lead to complications and further issues.

Seeking Professional Help

The expertise of an optometrist plays a vital role in diagnosing and treating various eye conditions, including allergies and infections. An eye exam in Arlington, VA, typically involves a thorough assessment of your eyes. Your eye doctor will also review your symptoms to determine the root cause of your discomfort. Regular eye exams are crucial to maintain eye health and address issues promptly.

If you’re experiencing eye discomfort or need new contact lenses in Arlington, VA, our optometrists at Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry can help. Fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment or call any of the following numbers: