9 Signs You Should Get Your Eyes Checked

Are you experiencing vision problems lately? Or have you been ignoring some minor issues for a while now? It might be time for you to get an eye checkup. Regular eye check-ups are crucial to maintain the health of your eyes and detect any potential issues early on.

In this article, we discuss nine signs indicating it’s time for you to get your eyes checked. 

1. Difficulty Seeing at Night

Night vision problems can be due to various reasons, such as cataracts, nearsightedness or vitamin A deficiency. If you find it challenging to see in low light conditions, you must consult an eye doctor who can identify the issue and provide the appropriate treatment.

2. Frequent Headaches

Experiencing headaches more frequently than usual might indicate eye strain or an undiagnosed vision problem. Moreover, conditions like cataracts might lead to headaches due to your eye’s inability to focus. Seeking immediate treatment is essential to prevent further complications.

3. Squinting to See Clearly

Squinting is an instinctive response your eyes make to reduce incoming light and focus more clearly on objects. If you find yourself squinting often, it can indicate an underlying vision problem that needs the attention of an eye doctor.

4. Eye Infections or Allergies

Redness, itchiness and swelling in the eyes are common symptoms of eye infections or allergies. Ignoring these symptoms can lead to more severe complications. An eye doctor can provide you with appropriate treatment options.

5. Blurred or Double Vision

Blurred or double vision can have various causes, such as astigmatism or an underlying health issue. If you experience these symptoms, seek professional help to determine the cause and get the necessary treatment.

6. Difficulty Focusing on Close Objects

As we age, our eyes lose their ability to focus on close objects—a condition known as presbyopia. If you’re struggling to read small print or perform close-up tasks, visit an eye doctor who can provide you with suitable treatment options.

7. Eye Fatigue or Strain

Prolonged screen time or eyestrain can cause eye fatigue, accompanied by redness and discomfort. If you experience these symptoms regularly, you must consult an eye doctor who can recommend ways of alleviating them.

8. Flashes or Floaters in Vision

Seeing occasional flashes or floaters is normal. But if their frequency increases, it might indicate a severe issue like retinal detachment. Seek professional help immediately to prevent any potential damage to your vision.

9. Poor Performance in Sports

If you are struggling to perform well in sports or notice a decrease in your performance, it could be due to poor vision. Treatments like sports vision training can help enhance your visual skills and performance.

Awareness of these signs is essential in maintaining eye health. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry. You can schedule a consultation through our online form or by calling the following numbers:

Aside from Alexandria, VA, we also have eye doctors in Falls Church, VA. And in addition to eye exams and treatments, we also offer sports vision training and cataract treatment