4 Ways to Keep Your Eyes Healthy This Fall

As temperatures start to drop, you may want to take a stroll in the park, watch the leaves change colors, and simply enjoy the outdoors this fall. Doing so, however, may increase your risk of having eye allergies, dry eyes, and other eye problems. To help you make the most of what this season has to offer, your trusted eye doctor shares some tips for maintaining your eye health during autumn.

  1. Relish Fall’s Eye-Friendly Fruits

    One of the things you can do this fall is to harvest and enjoy eye-friendly foods. Apples, pears, and grapes are some in-season fruits you should try at this time of the year. They are powerhouses of vitamin C, which serves as an antioxidant that reduces your risk of developing eye infections.

  2. Protect Your Eyes at All Times

    With the comfortable weather, you may be planning to finish yard work or other outdoor chores this fall. Before doing so, make sure to inspect your work tools for any defects. You should also use protective eyeglasses when raking the fallen leaves in your yard. Choose a pair that is made of polycarbonate, which is known for its impact-bearing properties. They can effectively prevent eye accidents at this time of the year.

  3. Keep Eye Problems at Bay

    Although fall is certainly a great time to enjoy the outdoors, doing so may put you at a higher risk of having eye allergies and dry eyes. Pollens, plant debris, and strong breezes may come into contact with your eyes, leading to hypersensitivity reactions and rapid tear evaporation rate. To prevent these from happening, use a face mask and safety eyewear when going outside. They can block airborne impurities and dry air, maintaining your visual health and comfort this season.

  4. Have Your Eyes Checked

    Most importantly, visit your reliable eye doctor. Regular eye exams are the best way to keep your eyes in great shape all year long. They help in the early detection and treatment of various eye conditions.

For more reliable fall eye care tips, turn to Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry. We provide high-quality eye care products and services, such as low vision therapy, LASIK eye surgery, and more. Call us at (703) 467-9080, or complete our form to request an appointment. We serve VA families in Reston and nearby Virginia areas.