4 Ways to Control Eye Allergies This Spring

Since spring is here, you may feel excited about spending time with your loved ones. This season’s comfortable weather and beautiful scenery are just some of the reasons that make outdoor activities perfect for this time of the year. Eye allergies, however, may hold you back from fully enjoying your plans.

Your optometrist from Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry shares four helpful tips on managing springtime eye allergies.

1. Use Protective Eyewear When Going Out

As flowers bloom, pollen counts increase, which is the primary reason behind springtime eye allergies. The pollen comes in contact with your eyes, resulting in a hypersensitivity reaction from your immune system. An effective way to prevent this is to wear sunglasses when going out. Not only can they prevent pollen from entering your eyes, they can also block harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays.

2. Observe Proper Hand Washing Techniques

Another effective way to keep eye allergy symptoms at bay is to wash your hands properly. Doing so can reduce the hand-eye transmission of allergens. This is especially important when you have to touch your eyes, such as when you’re applying or removing your contact lenses. Keeping your home dust-free, changing your bedding and using an air purifier can help as well.

3. Avoid Doing Outdoor Activities When the Pollen Count Is High

Check the pollen index in your area before going out, which usually reaches its peak in the morning. It may be best to stay in for the meantime and complete your outdoor tasks when the pollen count is lower. If this seems impractical, at least use protective eyewear and a face mask when heading outside.

4. Remember to Have a Spring Eye Exam

No matter the season, having an eye exam is the best way to ward off eye problems. During your visit, we can assess your eyes for signs of eye allergies and other eye conditions. We may also prescribe anti-inflammatory and antihistamine medications to control your symptoms.

For more ways to prevent eye allergies this time of the year, you can reach us by calling one of our locations. You may also fill out our contact form to request an appointment. We proudly provide eye care to families in Alexandria, Crystal City, Falls Church and Reston, VA.