3 Helpful Tips on Preventing Sports-Related Eye Injuries

Did you know that out of all the reported eye trauma cases, 40,000 of them are sports-related? An even more interesting fact is that almost 90% of them could have been easily avoided by following proper safety measures. Let your reliable eye doctor from Northern Virginia Doctors of Optometry share three helpful tips for protecting your eyes.

  1. Familiarize Yourself with Hidden Signs of Eye TraumaWhen it comes to contact sports, receiving physical blows may be unavoidable. Some trauma, like a black eye, may take some time before showing any visible signs. This is why it’s important that you’re aware of subtle indications of eye injuries. Eye pain, redness, and heaviness are some common ones. The sooner you notice and report these symptoms, the earlier we can provide first aid treatment to save your vision.
  2. Make It a Habit to See Your Eye SpecialistSuperior optics, unmatched visual clarity, and stable visual health are important to athletes and individuals with active lifestyles. This is why we recommend seeing your sports vision specialist regularly. We may perform comprehensive eye exams to evaluate your visual acuity and skills, such as hand-eye coordination, reaction time, and peripheral vision. We may also include specialized sports vision training and enhancement in your care plan to ensure your great performance.
  3. Use Proper Safety Eyewear All the TimeYour trusted optometrist may ask what type of sports you’re participating in to serve as our guide when prescribing an appropriate protective optical gear. We may check the requirements laid down by the specific sport’s governing committee or the American Society for Testing and Materials. Polycarbonate lenses are generally a safe choice because they are made of durable materials which can endure high loads of pressure. This feature makes them less likely to break, protecting your eyes from trauma

Apart from sports vision care, we also offer effective cataracts treatment, high-quality eyeglasses, and more. For more ways to prevent sports-related eye injuries, call us at (703) 660-9494 for Alexandria, (703) 413-1400 for Crystal City, (703) 573-1200 for Falls Church, or (703) 467-9080 for Reston. You may also complete our form to schedule an appointment. We serve VA families in Falls Church and surrounding Virginia areas.